Monday, July 6, 2009

Sunday sermon review - Freedom in Christ

This weekend we celebrated the 233rd birthday of our country. Freedom is always worth remembering. I thank God that He has blessed me with freedom. As an American I have the freedom to worship and believe any way I want. As a Christian I am free from the bondage and slavery of sin.

Christian freedom is not the same as American freedom. It is very similar, but there are still significant differences.

Americans are free to live however they wish… as long as we still abide by the laws of this nation. Those laws are meant to protect us from the government and from each other. Basically, as long as I do not harm someone else, I can do just about anything.

Our Christian faith is similar in that God has laws established that govern how we live. Christian freedom does not have an allowance for sin. In fact 1 Peter 2:16 says, “Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil.” Christian freedom is not a freedom to sin. It is a freedom to live for the glory of God.

This is where our American freedom has a tendency to pollute our Christian freedom. I am no longer a slave to sin, but I am still a slave. I am a slave to righteousness (Romans 6:18). Americans are free to live however we want as long as we do not break any laws. Christians are NOT free to live that way. We are free from sin SO THAT we can be slaves to God. We are free FROM sin. We are free to live FOR God’s glory.

We need to reorder our allegiance. Our first allegiance is to God not country. That means we take the gift of freedom and use it for his glory.

When we celebrate our nation’s founding and the freedom that was purchased by the blood of many who fought against the injustices of the king of England, we must not think that our Christian freedom, purchased by the blood of the One who suffered for the sin of those he died, is the same freedom.

We are NOT free to live our lives any way we want… at all. Christian freedom is not merely a matter of not disobeying the laws of God. We are to live for his glory in everything we do. We are always to seek his kingdom first. He is blessedly gracious in allowing us freedom to make choices like where to live, who to marry, what job to take, etc. But we are to make those choices that will glorify Him.

So, enjoy your freedom!!! Christian, you are free from the guilt, bondage, alienation, power and doom of sin. You are free to love God fully and supremely, serve others in love, and display for the world how magnificent and wonderful our Savior is. Live in that freedom today.

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