Good morning!
In the early church there were immediately certain things the church was devoted to.
Acts 2:42
And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.
One of those is fellowship.
But, what is fellowship? Well, fellowship is not merely potluck dinners, supper clubs, men’s breakfasts, or youth pizza nights. Yes, these are times in which fellowship can occur…however these are merely the soil in which true fellowship might grow.
But what is sown in order to reap true fellowship is not simply time together, but rather gospel-centered love.
So, what is fellowship? Or more importantly, “What is Christian fellowship?”
Fellowship means being committed to community, membership and gathering together… living life together… sharing everything!!! We see this in verse 44:
Acts 2:44
And all who believed were together and had all things in common
We were created to be a part of the people of God. We were created to have significant relationships.
What was the first thing that was NOT good in creation??? It is not good that man be alone. He needed help fulfilling the creation mandate to multiply and fill the earth. God’s mission is always fulfilled in community.
A lot of people think as long as they have their bible, TV preacher and twice a year appearance at church then they are fine, but there is no such thing as a rogue/solitary Christian. We need the fellowship of the Body of Christ.
We need the unity that is provided in Christ through his work on the cross. Other Christians are the extension of Christ’s grace to us.
This is why hospitality is commanded in Romans 12:13 (‘seek to show hospitality’). We need to cultivate Christian relationships and reed on the grace He provides through his people.
Therefore, I hope you will seek to show hospitality to one another. Extend God’s grace through the use of your home that others may be built up and encouraged in their faith.
Pastor Chris
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